Trust Score: 0%

We manually checked every bit information (also utilized more than 30 data sources and technical details) on and gave them a Trust Score of 0%. We conclude that is a Scam website. Reviews is 167 days old. is hosted by Cloudflare, Inc. in Canada.

Blacklisted/Spam? - No

Address: N/A

Phone: N/A

E-Mail: - Does not match the website name.

The logo does not correspond with the website name and does not effectively showcase the brand.

The website lacked a distinctive title to effectively describe its purpose or offerings.

Stock photos or images from other websites were being used on their Home page.

Inaccurate or false information was present on their About Us page.

The Customer Reviews and Blog pages were empty/blank.

The Return Policy, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy pages were incomplete and lacked certain information.

They are offering incredibly low prices or deals that seem too good to be true.

They might be located in China.

Customer Service Score: 0 - Awful

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Registrant State/Province: fu jian
Registrant Country: CN
Registrant Email: N/A

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